Students must abstain from politics: Demanding justice is futile

It is most shocking and unbelievable to know about the brutal killing of student Abrar Fahad of prestigious university BUET by his fellow students belonging to Student League. He was coolly and calmly beaten to death at the university dormitory. It is clear that students from other rooms did not show courage to come to his help. It is impossible that others did not hear what was going through in the quietness of night. This is not the first incident that university students were used for violent killing of political opponents. The members of Juba League were similarly used as a force of violence.
What was clear to teachers and Vice-Chancellors that their students in party politics are engaged in activities opposite to education. As party activists they are treated as forces of fear. The attraction for party politics is nothing honourable for university students. They get involved in various criminal activities like extortion and tender business while supporting anti-people politics.
The recently exposed casino corruption is known to everybody how the members of the youth front of Awami League were doing illegal casino business as part of overall corruption to be found in politics. They get government contracts of costly projects for earning easy money. They do not have to bother for the projects whether those are completed or not.
The party politics, we are experiencing, do not need university students for their academic qualities. We all know sadly how the students are used for the protection of their politics of violence and corruption.
To put it in simple terms universities were made not for creating dangerous criminals destroying students’ education and ruining their good future. The students must be saved from vicious politics of no character and no humanity.
The politics is no longer for nation building. It is corrupt and destructive yet, university level students join party politics for taking part in crimes and making money risking their own lives. The university students are expected to have enough sense to know what they must not do.
The university teachers including Vice-Chancellors should have felt concerned that their students are being exploited by political parties and obstructing their academic pursuit. The university students are our hope for better future by better educated students of today. Instead of watching them becoming derailed involving themselves in dangerous crimes, they should have protested that national future is being wasted. These young criminals will remain criminals under criminalised politics. They are derailed from their university education and not be proud asset of the nation.
It is unthinkable in any civilised country that the university students will be used in creating violence, even cause death inhumanly to their fellow students. No demand of justice is sensible under criminalised politics. The court and the police are equally helpless, which they should not be.
The Vice-Chancellors and university teachers must also give up being party activists. For them the party activist of vile anti-people politics is disgraceful. No good teacher can be devoid of moral values.
The present politics of our country is such that it is imperative for good education that students must be kept away from party politics for the good of their education and safety of their lives. No parents send their children to universities to become dangerous criminals. To be in party politics is to learn that character or good education is nothing important. Our party politics is anti-education and pro crimes. Students must not neglect their duty to themselves and get properly educated for good of the country.
Higher education is for the welfare of both the individual and the society. The Greek philosopher Plato’s guiding principle is: “Nothing must be admitted in education which does not conduce to the promotion of virtue.”
Here in Bangladesh everything is used to conduce valueless education.
Our party politics is anti-education and accepts violence as part of politics. The people ask so many questions as to why the university students should not find it a humiliation to do party politics of no principle, and no education. They are not interested in good students for good politics. There is no scope in party politics of free thinking or tolerance of different points of view essential to qualities of good education.
It is certainly disappointing that Vice-Chancellors, and university teachers do not ask the questions such as, why their students should be allowed to join party politics when they are supposed to be preparing themselves for better life and future national leadership? It is not unknown that as party activists these young students are used for violence and criminal activities at the instance of party leaders.
Already there is the examples of casino corruption where extortion through torture and the project contracts for sharing of plundered public money are party politics. Many other murders were also committed by students doing party politics.
The latest instance is the cool-headed brutal murder of a BUET student Abrar Fahad. We want unity among students protesting for elimination of the root cause of dirty politics that has made everybody’s life unsafe and justice is nothing but more often police justice.
I want our university students to rise above criminal inclination and save the nation unitedly. The people see no hope anywhere. Only the young university students can be symbol of fire and courage. The nation is living in fear.