Students injured as ‘vaccine volunteers’ charge batons


News Desk :
Volunteers involved in the vaccination programme reportedly charged batons on several hundred students, who came to Thakurgaon Sadar Hospital centre to take Covid-19 vaccine shot on Thursday in Thakurgaon.
Most of the students returned home without taking vaccines while some others got injured in the batons, reported our correspondent.
According to students, they started coming to the vaccination centre in the morning and the crowd started increasing gradually.
Students started rushing to get vaccinated when the vaccination drive started. To bring them under control, on duty volunteers charged batons on the students — leaving several lacerated.
Ahsanul Haque, assistant teacher of Akhanagar High School, said it was not wise to vaccinate so many students at a time, he said, adding that there was a lack of planning.
The volunteers claimed that they did not charge batons. “To discipline them, we just showed them the stick,” they claimed.
