Reinstatement of former principal urged: Students demo continues at Dhaka Dental College

Staff Reporter :
The students of Dhaka Dental College continued their protests for the 16th consecutive day on the campus demanding reinstatement of Abul Kalam Bepari, the former principal, who had been attached to the Health Ministry as Officer on Special Duty.
They at the same time rejected the appointment of Humayun Kabir Bulbul as the new principal and demanded review of the transfer order.
The students locked up all the entrance points of the college building on Tuesday. As a result, the newly appointed college principal could not enter his room.
He also could not enter his office yet in the face of students’ demonstration since his appointment as principal on September 26.
All academic activities of the college remained stalemate due to the students’ demonstration since September 16.
Additional police personals were deployed on the campus to avert unwanted situation. The students’ demonstration was peaceful.
Top police officials of Mirpur Zone, a local Awami League leader and the new Principal tried to talk to the students, but to no avail. The students remained stick to their demand for reinstatement of Abul Kalam.
A final year student of the college wishing anonymity told The New Nation that “We just want our principal (Abul Kalam). He is like a true guardian like our parents.”
The students said Abul Kalam was popular among the students because of his contribution to make a congenial academic atmosphere.
“He (the principal) became victim of internal feud of ruling Awami League’s leaders in Mirpur area,’ the students said.
They said that Abul Kalam recently organised a reunion programme on the college campus on September 15. The reunion was first of its kind since the college’s inception in 1961 and students of all the batches of the college participated in the programme, they said.
Health Minister Mohammad Nasim was scheduled to attend the function, but local Awami League lawmaker Kamal Ahmed Majumder was not invited.
Nasim avoided attending the programme. The next day, Principal Abul Kalam was made OSD.
Being angry at the order, the students took out processions on the campus. Academic activities and examinations were shut, and it continues.
Humayun Kabir Bulbul, a leader of Swadhinata Chikitshak Parishad, said he was bound to respect the government order making him principal.
He said he entered the college campus on Monday evening with the assistance of law enforcers, but he could not enter the college building yet.
He said the previous principal Abul Kalam was requested to come to the campus on Wednesday morning.
“I requested him to calm the students and to accept me,” h “We request the Prime Minister and Health Minister to hear our demand and reinstate our previous principal,’ they said.
Directorate General of Health Services Director for Medical Education, Abdur Rashid, said they have no way to violate the government order.
“We are trying to reach a solution,” he said.