Students asked to develop anti-graft culture


National Professor Dr. Anisuzzaman laid emphasize on encouraging the students to start developing anti-graft culture in them from the very beginning of their academic life to rid Bangladesh completely of corruption.
“If the students learn to avoid unethical practices like cheating in exam or admission and resorting to proxy in their learning stage, they will be able to restrain themselves and also others from engaging in corruption in future,” he said.
He said this while addressing as the chief guest a conference arranged jointly by ‘Sotota Shangha’ and students from different institutions, on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in the city.
“No single organization solely can prevent corruption. The citizen must develop anti-corruption attitude from the beginning,” He commented.
He urged the students to promise not to embrace unethical practices at any stage of their life and hoped that soon the country will become completely free from corruption.
Chairman of Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) Iqbal Mahmood said in his speech, “Students and youths are our hope as they will lead the country in future. We must not bow down to a few corrupt people, but to win the battle against corruption in the long run.”
The ACC Chairman also said “To materialize Bangabandhu’s dream of ‘Sonar Bangla’, the anti-corruption drive will continue.”
ACC Commissioner AFM Aminul Islam and Secretary Muhammad Dilwar Bakht also spoke, among others, in the programme.
