Students are ultimate losers of the decision not to take exams

AROUND 2.8 lakh Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) students, under Bangladesh Technical Education Board, are uncertain as to how they would be graded in the newly adapted HSC grading system. The students take courses like HSC Vocational, HSC Business Management, and Diploma in Commerce that requires them to sit for the final exams after finishing grade XI. The government has ordered to announce HSC results based on SSC and JSC exams. The government decided to cancel this year’s HSC and its equivalent exams due to health-safety concerns amid the Coronavirus. Educationists asked the government to re-evaluate the decision of canceling public exams, while without chalking a comprehensive plan, the announcement has spelled many problems.
Under the Technical Education Board, around 2.8 lakh students registered to participate in secondary exams. This is the first time the HSC exams have been cancelled since the introduction in 1964. The closure of schools for over six months has led to the cancellation of exams and left academic calendars in disarray. Educational activities of about four crore students are being hampered due to the pandemic.
Educationists said it would have been wonderful if the ministry gave a two-day short exam on basic subjects like Bangla, English, and Science. On the other hand, the examinees waiting to sit for the exams now get relieved and can prepare for the university admission tests. Humanity never witnessed such an emergency except world war now undergoing due to pandemic. To overcome the situation, the government took the decision to cancel HSC and equivalent exams this year, but what is the consequence of the students who will award an auto pass? Undeniably, education is the single most area that can transform society into a developed one, also vice versa. The government could develop self-faced online exams to determine the grade, but it took political decision to please nobody, except their whims. We reiterate to hold an abridged test to evaluate students and a project-based test system for vocational students. If the pandemic fails to teach us the necessity of digitization, the slogan of “Digital Bangladesh” will be a self-axing.