Student missing after trawler capsizes in Padma

UNB, Manikganj :
A college student remained missing and two others seriously injured when a trawler capsized in the river Padma in Harirampur on Thursday after being dashed by a bulkhead.
The missing student Rony Biswas, 26,
is a Masters final year student of Manikganj Government Debendra College and son of Kader Biswas of village Diabari Hashmilan under Chala union of the upazila.
The two seriously injured — former president of upazila Chhatra League Masudur Rahman and Monir Hossain received treatment at a private clinic in the district town while the others were given treatment at the Upazila Health Complex.
Fire Service and the relatives of the injured informed that local youths including Masudur Rahman arranged a picnic at Boira Char of the upazila on Thursday morning. The nine people were moving towards Boira Char from Andharmanik ‘kheya ghat’ at 11 in the morning.
After sometime, the trawler capsized after being hit by the sand-laden bulkhead. Rony remained missing despite others managing to swim ashore.
On information, the rescuers of the Paturiaghat Fire Service rushed to the spot to conduct rescue operation. However, Rony could not be traced and the trawler also could not be salvaged.
Sobjel Hossain, Sub Officer of Paturiaghat Fire Service, said that they came to know that one person remained missing after the trawler capsized.