Student held on charge of attempt to rape in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Mohiuddin Hawladar (19), a student of XI year Commerce class of Rayenda Degree College and son of one Md. Idris Ali, a businessman of Rayenda Bazar in Bagerhat was arrested by the police on the charge of attempt to commit rape on a madrasa girl student.
It is reported that at 9 am on Wednesday , a girl student of class-VII (of a local Madrasa) who is a neighbour of the boy went to his residence for an urgent piece of business. Finding the girl alone the debauched college student caught her, took her into his bed room forcibly and tried to commit rape on her. But finding no other alternative the girl cried out loudly for help. 0n hearing the cry her grand mother rushed to the spot and rescued her from the hands of the debauched. Later, the locals caught the college student and handed him over to the police. The victim was admitted to Sharankhola Upazila Health Complex for her treatment. But the doctor on duty sent her to Bagerhat Sadar Hospital for her better treatment.
Abdul Jalil, OC , Sharankhola PS disclosed, the college student was arrested and a case was registered with the PS against the boy under Woman and Chidren Repression Act.
