String of militant attacks in Nigeria: 90 dead


AP, Maiduguri :Twin car bombs at a bustling city marketplace blasted buildings to rubble and tore apart bodies the same night an attack on a farming village razed every thatched-roof hut.At least 90 people have been killed, officials and survivors reported on Sunday , as Nigeria’s Islamic extremists step up attacks and criticism mounts of the failure of the military and government to suppress the 4-year-old Islamic uprising in the northeast.In Maiduguri, capital of Borno state and birthplace of the Boko Haram terrorist network, the attackers chose a densely populated area that maximized the blasts. The victims include children at a wedding and people watching a soccer match at a cinema, survivors said. Fifty-one bodies were retrieved by Sunday morning but many more are believed buried in rubble , said a Red Cross officialIn a village 60km away, extremists also struck on Saturday night, killing 39 people, a cab driver Mansur Buba said. He said he returned home to find victims being buried in Mainok village . A State Security Service agent said no huts were left standing there.
