Shop owners demand compensation: Strike on in Srimangal over BGB-locals conflict: Probe body form

Staff Reporter :
Srimangal Businessmen Association and Transport Workers started an indefinite strike in the upazila from 6:00am yesterday following a clash between Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) members and locals in the Upazila bazaar on Thursday.
“We are observing the strike, demanding punishment to those who were involved in the attack on the locals,” said Sheikh Lutfur Rahman, President of Srimangal Businessmen Association.
He also demanded compensation for the losses caused to the people and transfer of the BGB members  
involved in the attack from Srimangal.
Mahbubur Rahman, Officer-in-Charge of Srimangal Police Station, said, “Additional police have been deployed in the area to avoid further chaos.”
All the markets and shops in Srimangal were shut and vehicles were not seen on the road since 6:00am.
Sources said six people were injured in a clash between the members BGB and locals at Srimangal Upazila bazar on Thursday evening.
Following the clash, locals blocked many roads in different areas of the upazila.
Mahbubur Rahman, Officer-in-Charge of Srimangal Police Station, said, that the clash ensued following an altercation that took place between a BGB official and a local transport worker in a restaurant.
Tofayel Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner of Moulavibazar, assured the locals saying that a probe committee will be formed very soon to investigate the matter.
Meanwhile, a four-member probe body has been formed to investigate Thursday’s clash between BGB members and local transport workers and traders at a market in Moulvibazar’s Sreemangal upazila.
Moulvibazar’s Additional Deputy Commissioner Ashraful Islam has been made the chief of the probe body and district’s additional superintendent of police, upazila nirbahi officer and officer-in-charge of Sreemangal police station are other members of the committee, according to district’s Deputy Commissioner Md Tofayel Islam.