Strict lockdown deserts roads, highways


Reza Mahmud :
Bangladesh has gone into a strict lockdown amid alarming rise in Covid-19 cases and virus related deaths across the country.
Army troopers have been deployed to patrol alongside civilian forces during the countrywide lockdown, which began on Thursday.
Roads and highways across Bangladesh turned empty with the new restrictions in place to curb the coronavirus pandemic.
Residents of Dhaka woke up to a deserted capital city on Thursday morning, as there was not much traffic on the roads during first day of lockdown.
Army, BGB, police and RAB personnel stood guard on city streets and intersections setting up check post on the first day of a nationwide ‘strict lockdown.’
The magistrates were leading the law enforcement agencies to prevent public gatherings at all corners of the capital.
The government has given executive magisterial powers to 106 more officers to make sure people stay at home.
If anyone comes out without an urgent need, they have to face interrogation at the check post. They might even be fined or sentenced to imprisonment.
The magistrates say detaining, fining or imprisoning are not their main motives. They are working to ensure social distance to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
A government order said offices and transportation would be shut during the seven-day lockdown, which excludes the emergency services.
“No one will be allowed to leave home except for an emergency during this seven-day period,” the notice read.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Mirpur Division Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mahatab Uddin said police are working to implement the lockdown.
“We are urging citizens to stay indoors. If anyone comes out without any reason, legal action will be taken against them,” he added.
Meanwhile, the lockdown was not implemented in lane and bi-lanes in the capital where people were seen gathering unabatedly.
Youths played footballs in open spaces, besides railway stations and alleys.
Some of them were gossiping, watching and playing video games through smart phones staying closely in front of their houses in local areas.
There were no measures from law enforcers found to restrain those people from making gatherings in most areas.
Public health experts said that such activities might foil the aim of the restriction spreading contamination.
When contacted, Professor Dr. M. Muzaherul Huq, former Advisor of the World Health Organisation told The New Nation on Thursday, “If lockdown is not properly monitored and implemented the purpose of containing the spread of virus may not be achieved.”
He said that containing the spread of virus within 2-3 weeks is essential and it is very much possible by strict lockdown.
