Stress free living


Dr. Feroza Begum (Emily) :
Each and every person desire to have a happy, healthy and peaceful life. It is his/her wish and requirement to live a tension and stress-free livelihood. But it is regrettable to mention that, in the globalized period of modern world – extreme and unnecessary competition with each other, use and practice of current technology and knowledge makes people to be tensed and stressed. Tension regarding the result of any examination, nervousness / apprehension before appearing in interview, strife and conflict in family affairs due to unpleasant and undesirable event might makes an examinee, a job seeker and a person to go under psychological pressure, anxiety, tension and nervousness. The reasonable degree of these symptoms is quite normal. But, if these are going beyond normal degree- that is understood as tension, anxiety and nervousness. Obviously, this condition for a person is undoubtedly not desirable and acceptable for any one.
Now, there may be a question arises – whether there is any means or endeavor to get rid from these conditions of unpleasant psychological symptoms. It is likely to mention and/or note that – by exploring/identifying the source of anxiety and tension – it is possible to have a free from stressful situation/condition. Furthermore, by creating awareness making change of living positively with change of habits in optimistic and constructive direction – may lead to reduce most of the psychological pressure. However, by applying psychological strength and will power and following habits presented below – stress free and tension less with comfortable, enjoyable and peaceable living can be achievable/attainable.
1. To identify the reasons behind tension anxiety and stress
It likely to note that, recognizing the causes that increase the level of tension, anxiety and stress – first and one of the important and significant means – one can lessen these symptoms and live a peaceful and joyful life.
2. To do work not by making any delay, interruption
Whenever responsibilities of any assignment have been delegated on a person- he/she may think how to begin and proceed that task and also concern about the result and outcome of that. It is therefore worthy, to start as quickly and promptly as possible. But there should be caution not to make any hurry in doing the tasks. Because, this may affect the quality of the work.
3. To do practice for developing to do one work at one time
If any person works more than one task at a time- then it is very tough and difficulty to provide quality time, effort and concentration equally to each of the tasks. As a result, – fruitful outcome may not be achieved by rendering his /her effort. This may in turn, lead to psychological suffering and sorrow for him /her.
4. To be practical
Some body may be worried and stressed about the type and nature of the event and its consequences in future. It is therefore, each and everybody needs to be kept in mind that – there may be some problems and unacceptable and unwanted happening may arise in life. It is also true that – each and every problematic matter has solution. And everything will be resolved and okay in course of time. So that- accepting the reality of the situation – it is required to pass the livelihood according to that. This in turn may lessening the degree of stress and anxiety.
5. Time Management/Assessment / Valuation of time
Now a days, people are engaged and involved with diversity of professions and works. This makes them terribly busy. As a result, it is difficult and tough for them to mange to accomplish those tasks in course of time. It is expected that tension and anxiety may be reduced – if the time is divided for the steps and stages of whole scheduled of assignment by preparing plan. It needs to be kept in mind that- quality of work is better than quantity of tasks performed.
6. To do Regular Health /Medical Check Up
Worries and anxiety regarding the health may create tension in a person. For this, one can ensure about his/her sound health by doing regular medical and/or health checkup. This in turn will be beneficial for reducing tension.
7. To Express /Share Inner Thought
Human being has an urge to express his/her inner thought and also share their matters with trustworthy and dependable persons to whom they rely. They may have opinions and suggestions to take decision to move forward. By this- they will be encouraged and motivated and get reasons for performing the tasks. Consequently, the tension may be lessened.
8. To keep busy with works (eventful work)
It is well known that “idle brain is devil’s industry”. That means – person without job pass his/her time lazily- different and diversity types of problems make their life upsetting and disturbing. It is therefore- by involving with social work in different humanitarian and philanthropic organization. M0reover, they pass time doing gardening, going out to friends’ and relatives’ residence and reading magazines, newsletters and books. Keeping busy in this way make them joyful, cheerful without tension and anxiety.
9. To retain and keep the surrounding environment free from tension.
When a huge number of tasks are to accomplished in a short period – it is quite natural that – people may become more distressed and troubled. They feel anxiety to priorities and organize the huge number of tasks. In order to relieve from unwanted and unpleasant physical including psychological atmosphere – one needs keep his/her adjacent environment peaceful, calm and quiet. Files and documented papers, books, note pads keeping in Jumbled way on the table or in book self makes the person distressed and discomfort. For this – it is worthy to keep the reading materials, books, newspapers in organized way. Not only that – the only book that one is studying would be on the table and keep other reading materials far from the table. In this way – book self, almirah bed require to be kept in organize way and properly. In addition- psychological environment have to be get equal importance like / similar to physical environment. Another important and significant aspect is that the degree of stress is depended with the type of person with whom one is passing the time. Because, it is quite normal and natural that if some one is passing with the person who unnecessary become stressed and worried about any simple and common issue may increase the degree of his/her stress also. For this – careful and cautious about choice of friend is very important and significant. It is therefore, spending more times with joyful, cooperate and lively persons and friends. Visiting foundation and passing plenty of time where positive environment could be obtained. By engaging social work for those who really require direction and cooperation. It is expected that that the degree of enjoyment will be increased with decreasing of stress and tension in people’s life.
10. To love and engage in work – this will return one’s effort:
The level of stress depends on how one look into the work and task. One can do the job for expanding one’s innovative and creative talent or do work only means of earning money and /or do the service.
If the attitude towards work is as innovative or creativity with positive aspect – then the work will reach to the people as new form and feature. The work will not be considered as irritating service- but as contentment to the people.
11. To avoid unnecessary /illogical promise word
Each and every one is to give word and promise in his/her different family, economic and social matters in their life. Sometimes it is hard and difficult to keep the word and promise due to constraint of time, type of work, condition of social environment. As result, this creates tension and anxiety in a person. So that, it is worthy to give word and promise considering unnecessary, illogical, time factor, and difficulties to perform the task
12. To follow disciplined / well organized life
It is important as well as significant to practice to follow disciplined and well-organized life. If the tasks are doing in disorganized and undisciplined way – that will not be beneficial to bring proper and qualitative successful achievement.
And for this reason, tension and anxiety is being created among the people. It is therefore, if the works are doing in well-organized way – then there may not be any tension and anxiety the life of human -beings.
There is no doubt about that- If the tension is being increased in its level or degree then it may be harmful as well as destructive for the quality of the work. But on the other hand – it is also likely to mention that some reasonable degree of tension is required for a person. So that-there is necessary for a person to give proper attention, thinking that would be useful for accomplishing the task successfully.
So that, reasonable level of tension has some positive rather than negative impact. As for example, if there is no thinking for an examinee about study before examination-then he/she may not be interest to study. So that is quite natural he/she may not obtain satisfactory result in the examination. Again- if someone has some symptoms regarding health, ignoring those with less care may increase the symptoms of the disease. Last of all, it is important to note that – if the reasonable degree of tension is being increased in higher level than considerate level that affect the physical and psychological illness – then it is very much important and necessary for a person to consult an expert for proper treatment.
