Strengthening school-based disaster management preparedness stressed


BSS, Rangpur :
Institutionalisation of school-based disaster management and early preparedness can reduce risks of natural disasters, losses of lives and properties in the educational institutions as well as local communities.
The opinion came at the ‘Validation and Exit Workshop’ of the Enhancing Inclusive Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh (DIPECHO-VIII) Project organised by RDRS Bangladesh, an NGO, at Ulipur upazila parishad auditorium in Kurigram on Monday afternoon.
The NGO implemented the one-year term project with financial assistance of European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection and technical cooperation of Save the Children in 17 primary and secondary schools under Ulipur upazila.
Earlier, the NGO in association with Fire Service and Civil Defense Station brought out a rally and organised mock disaster management drill in observance of the International Disaster Reduction Day- 2016.
Ulipur upazila Chairman Haider Ali Miah attended the workshop as the chief guest with Assistant Coordinator (Environment) of RDRS Bangladesh Abdul Mannan in the chair.
Projecjt Coordinator of Community Climate Change Project of RDRS Bangladesh Shafiul Islam delivered welcome speech in the workshop.
Technical Officer of DIPECHO-VIII Project KM Alamgir Hossain delivered keynote presentation on the school-based disaster management activities conducted under the project.
He also narrated about various forms of natural disasters and calamities, including earthquake, and suggested the way-outs and early preparedness for reducing disaster risks in the educational institutions, community levels and disaster-prone areas.
Shafiul Islam stressed on coordinated efforts of the GO-NGOs, teachers, community leaders and public representatives in disseminating necessary knowledge among the students and common people to reduce losses during natural disasters.
He asked the participants for properly utilising acquired knowledge from the workshop on management of natural disasters including earthquake and disseminating those among the other students, teachers, community members and guardians.
