OPINION: Strengthening public diplomacy

Every migrant is an ambassador in abroad

Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Public diplomacy is a part and parcel of foreign policy. Conceptually, foreign policy is that part of a state’s national policy which relates to the external environment. Prussian Statesman Prince Otto Von Bismarck therefore aptly observed, the extension of domestic policy is foreign policy.
According to James Resenau, ‘The foreign policy of a state may be identified as a complex and dynamic political course that it pursues in relation to other states with a view mainly to protecting its own national interests and achieving its own objectives. It is a sequence of interactions that span national boundaries.’
To be precise, a state’s foreign policy is the totality of its dealings with the external environment. Foreign policy decisions are usually influenced and determined by those factors, which make for a state’s national power.
Broadly, the determinants of Bangladesh foreign policy are its Physical Geography and Geopolitics; the size, location and climate, natural resources, raw materials, population, economics. We may mention National Character and Morale, Leadership, Diplomacy as intangible elements.
Bangladesh foreign policy aims at promoting self preservation and economic advancement. Moreover the objective focuses safeguarding as well as augmenting national power, Ideology and National prestige.
The Foreign Policy Principles of Bangladesh are reflected in Article 25(1) and 25(2). The principles of the Foreign Policy of Bangladesh are stated to ensure respect for national sovereignty & territorial integrity.
Bangladesh believes in the political independence of other states. This is in complete agreement with 2(4) of the UN charter. Article 25(1) of our constitution also reflects the principle on non interference in the internal affairs of other states. The most important is stated as a policy of peace and promoting fraternal relations: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in January 1972 said, ‘I would like it (Bangladesh) to become the Switzerland of the East’.
Bangladesh is a believer in the pacific settlement of dispute and strives for the renunciation of the use of force in international relations. Article 25(2) of the Constitution holds the ‘the state shall endeavor to consolidate, preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic Solidarity.
For a better discussion of the topic it is necessary to discuss the Mujibnagar Government formed on 10 April 1971. The immediate tasks before the government was gaining support & diplomatic recognition of world community, working facilities for provisional government, restructuring of the war-torn economy, arranging shelters for the refugees. All efforts of the provisional government were directed towards achieving those mentioned objectives.
Actually after the independence, foreign policy of Bangladesh was aimed at meeting the immediate challenges i,e, rehabilitation of the refugees re-orienting the social infrastructure and gaining support and recognition of the global community as a sovereign state. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman also outlined fundamental objectives for preservation and consolidation of independence sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Another is to attain economic progress in co-operation with other countries. He also pointed to strengthening the non-aligned movement and strengthening of world peace through co-operation among nation.
Every migrant is an ambassador in abroad. They can bring positive changes for their motherland. If they are patriot and love their own soil from where they are born and brought up. The community people are always committed to their community interest. They have a special bondage among themselves. If they are well organised and live in harmony and with the sense of mutual understanding they will be honoured by the natives and they will always maintain warm bilateral relation with them.
Through these interactive programmes, our country will be highlighted and their governments will take and treat us as a friendly and their beneficiary. And henceforth many bilateral projects, on many issues will be solved, if we can make them our good counterparts. They can help us in many ways like oversea scheme, economic plan, aid giving plan, humanitarian plan and policies and multi-sectoral conflicts may be settled.
Through this, a sound public diplomacy may be developed. So sectoral diplomatic forum by the community migrant living abroad may be formed aiming at the betterment of individual migrant and as well the country. In this regard, there should not arise any dispute or difference in opinion. It one BNP minded follower and one Awami League minded migrant sit together, exchange and share the problems with their consensus and good collaboration will carry forward the goodwill.
It is expecting that it will bring good result and through this our reputation will be enhanced, country’s image will be build-up. Finally individual’s approach to the native will be commendable and highly acceptable. Our government must take projects and programme of strengthening public diplomacy in abroad. If there is a directive and policy of such programme from our government side, it will be very pleasant to the native also.
Through this public diplomacy our embassy office and their personnel’s’ position will be dignified. Moreover, the forum activities may be monitored and evaluated though our embassy office. With this end in view our officers’ job engagement will be bigger and enormous. They will not sit idle. Every day they will be busy with valuable session of such forum, both the migrants and the employees in embassy will be mutually benefitted.
Our Foreign Ministry may attend to foster and open up an avenue for smooth function of public diplomacy by the migrants in aboard. If the concerned ministry takes up the responsibility, it will widen the gap of many external and internal activities of bilateral projects and scheme taken by govt. Under the diplomatic forums there may be several subunits or sub-committee which will study, sit together and prepare a resolution and submit it to concerned embassy or High Commissioner’s office about the pros and cons of the migrants and their well being.
The committee may be mentioned as oversee job management, job security, professional excellence and discipline, recreational committee, training and short courses and community welfare like health, education, housing, social justice, peace, good work recognition etc.
In this respect, the Foreign Ministry may prepare a guideline. The sub-units in abroad will follow in guideline and work as instruction given in the paper. The concerned embassy office will look after, supervise and monitor the activities time to time. If the activities are well monitored and proper feedback is given then the overall activities will be more vibrant and effective and the involved people in the forum will have the inspiration to run it as per expectation.
Ultimately it will have a positive impact in the life of the community people. Able leadership will develop and their mindset will also be changed. In the long run a win-win situation in their life will be achieved and as a result country’s image will be increased. And people’s status and position will be upgraded. The Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare & Overseas Employment also must play significantly for its success.
(Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed; writer, columnist and researcher)