Strengthening community policing to resist militancy stressed


BSS,Rangpur :
Strengthening activities of the community policing, involving the youth community can play vital role in eliminating militancy, terrorism, child marriage and other social curses to ensure peace in the society.
The opinion came at a rally against drug abuse, terrorism, militancy and corruption followed by distribution of warm clothes among cold-hit people held at Taluk Tampat High School ground under Ward No-32 in the city on Thursday.
The Ward No-32 unit of Community Policing Committee and Samaj Jagorn Committee (SJC) jointly organised the rally presided over by President of SJC Mozammel Hossain.
Additional Superintendent of Police ABM Zakir Hossain attended and addressed the rally and distributed warm clothes as the chief guest.
Member Secretary of Rangpur divisional and district units of Community Policing Shushanto Bhowmick, ASP (Circle-A) Saifur Rahman Saif and Officer-in-Charge of Kotwali Thana ABM Zahidul Islam and Khatib of Laksmanpara Jam-e-Mosque Moulana Mizanur Rahman addressed as special guests.
The speakers lauded the improving law and order situation in all wards of Rangpur city and suggested for further strengthening activities of the community policing for ensuring sustainable peace and tranquility in the society.
Shushanto Bhowmick called upon members of the community policing for engaging spontaneous efforts involving the common people and extending full cooperation to the police forces in preventing drug abuse, terrorism, militancy and corruption.
The chief guest called upon members of the community policing committees for engaging their efforts involving the common people, especially youths, and extending full cooperation to the police forces in resisting militancy and terrorism.
“Members of the community policing have bigger responsibility to carefully monitor activities of the new comers in their respective areas and inform common people in their various meetings about the bad impacts of militancy,” he said.
He also suggested community policing committee members for identifying local problems, conflicts and disputes to resolve those locally with assistance of common people to reduce number of cases in police stations and save commoners from hassles.
Later, the chief guest distributed warm clothes among the cold-affected poor and distressed people of the area in the function.
Another reports adds: Strengthening activities of the women community policing committees involving the common people could play vital role in maintaining law and order for resisting militancy to ensure sustainable social peace.
The opinion came at the introductory ceremony of the newly formed Kotwali Thana Women Community Policing Committee (KTCPC) followed by a views-sharing meeting held at Kotwali Thana office premises here on Wednesday.
The KTCPC began its journey with the firm commitments of resisting militancy, terrorism, anarchy, preventing child marriage, dowry, repression and domestic violence against women and building a drug- free society.
Police Super and Chief Adviser of the District Community Policing
Coordination Committee Mizanur Rahman attended the function as the chief guest.
With Officer-in-Charge of Kotwali Thana ABM Zahidul Islam in the chair,Assistant Police Super Saifur Rahman, City Councilor Hasna Banu, President of KTCPC Zakia Ahsan and its General Secretary Anwar Ferdousi Poly addressed, as special guests.
Member-secretary of district coordination committee of Community Policing Shushanto Bhowmick narrated activities of the women community policing committee as well as the overall activities of community policing in building crime-free society.
The speakers highly lauded the initiative of launching activities of women community policing committee that would play vital role in reducing social crimes, curses, drug abuse and resist militancy and terrorism.
They hoped that members of the women community policing committee would effectively bridge police-people on mutual trust in strengthening community policing activities to ensure peace in the society.
The chief guest stressed on forming of women community policing committees at all unions and wards to strengthen community policing activities to ensure peace, prevent drug abuse, child marriage, dowry, repression and violence against women.
Narrating tremendous success already achieved by the country’s women
community in every sector, he said members of the women community policing committee would also contribute equally side by side with males to further reduce social crimes.
He called upon the common people to work unitedly with police through building mutual trust, partnership and information sharing for resisting militancy and terrorism and preventing social crimes to establish peace in the society.
