Strengthen the tobacco control law: ATMA


Staff Reporter :
Anti-Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) has thanked the Health Services Division and the National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) for preparing the draft amendment with a view to strengthening the tobacco control law. In a virtual meeting held on Tuesday, the organization of media personnel has simultaneously urged to finalize the draft amendment to safeguard public health.
It was informed during the virtual event that the draft amendment has incorporated a number of essential proposals and attempted to amend certain articles. The most notable changes incorporated in the draft amendment include eliminating the provisions for Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs) in public places and transport; banning display of tobacco products and packs at points-of-sale; banning tobacco companies’ direct or via third-party involvement in corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs; banning the production, import and sale of e-cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS), heated tobacco products (HTP) and other emerging tobacco products (ETPs); banning the sale of loose tobacco products or tobacco products without packet, package or container; and increasing graphic health warning (GHW) on tobacco packs at least 90 percent. The online event was attended by 41 ATMA members. ATMA’s co-convener Nadira Kiron hosted the event whereas co-convener Mizan Chowdhury and Hasan Shahriar of PROGGA briefed members about organizational activities and highlighted future course of actions.
