Strategic action must for dev of tourism

Sanwar Hossain :
Special program development, country branding, strategic marketing and promotion is required for development of tourism as industry, experts and industry insiders of Bangladesh Tourism sector stresses.
Despite being preferred by the government tourism as an economic development sector of the country, the tourism as a sector is experiencing slow growth and has different potentiality of growing as a tourist attraction globally.
Insiders recommended for successful sector development on more cooperative action plan to be implemented between ministries, Tourism Board, Tour operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB) and other industry Stakeholders of the country for tourism product development, sell the products to the global buyers and thus develop the tourism sector of the country as a destination of attraction.
Bangladesh Tourism sector is lagging behind and need to address the issues like lack of appropriate product development, strategic marketing, tourist friendly service development in airports, immigration centers, visa and foreign exchange issues, service unavailability, low coordination among development agencies and association bodies on development issues, tourism license to recognized tour operators by the government.
Professor of Tourism Department of Dhaka University Rashidul Hasan opined that despite potentiality, tourism sector of Bangladesh have not explored as popular destination globally. Geographically, economically Bangladesh has good opportunities for attracting tourist from neighboring countries like India, Nepal, Chaina, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Hongkong, Indonesia, Combodia.
“Our potentiality, capacity should to be upraised through adequate promotion and develop Bangladesh as an attractive destination can inflow higher international tourist. All the stake holders should work cooperative for the sector development,” Rashidul Hasan said.
“Lack of proper cultural program, promotions, product development and marketing Bangladesh is losing potential tourism customers. Effective promotion and marketing may flourish the sector effectively and attract more international buyers. The country need to diversify tourism products to attract tourists and encourage them to make repeated visits. MICE tourism as has been developed by Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, China and other countries of Asia. There is a great potential to promote MICE, sports tourism in Bangladesh,” added Rashidul Hasan
Insiders have recommended cooperative initiatives from ministry and tour operators for appropriate tourism development, cultural promotion besides building other tourism infrastructures to build Bangladesh as a destination.
Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB) President Taufiq Uddin Ahmed demanded ministry cooperation and government initiative for branding Bangladesh. He has emphasized on more finance on program development, cooperation from tourism board and effective formulation of strategies for tourism sector development.
“Tour operators can develop tourism products, but tourism ministry has to expose Bangladesh and promote it to global buyers. Make easier immigration, tourist friendly airport can attract more international tourist. Tourism Board have to cooperate with associations more to promote tourism centrally. Without proper deployment of promotional tools and infra-structures, tour operators are alone unable to produce tourism products but unable to sell them profitability to the international customers,” Taufiq Uddin said.
“We have failed to recognize tourism as an industry and as a result culture and infrastructures have not been developed in the country and satisfy international customers’ needs. Our airports and immigration system also require renovation to serve international customers. We still need appropriate focus, formulation of effective strategies and adequate promotion to flourish tourism as industry,” TOAB President mentioned.
 “Business associations of tourism industry need to develop different tourism products addressing Recreational, Educational, MICE, Health, Religious and cultural tourism and effectively market those to the international customers. We need to have tourism license instead of operator’s license for developing attractive tour offers which have to be implemented by the government centrally,” he added.
Insiders have also identified lack of target oriented activities, assurance of safety and security of the tourists, strategic focus on the sector, integrated action plan, tourism friendly immigration procedure and service delivery for proper development of tourism industry in the country.
Proper orientation should be given to police so that tourists feel comfortable to consume tourism products. The local communities have to be involved in planning and implementation process. When local people would find benefits from tourist activities, they would safeguard the tourists as well as the tourist attractions.