Stopping of ongoing Poura holding tax assessment demanded

Chittagong Bureau :
Holding tax payees of Chittagong city under the banner of Chittagong Tax Payees Protection Parishad demaned stoppage of the ongoing assessment of the holding tax by Chittagong City Corporation in city area within 30 days and realize the holding taxes from the city dwellers as per previous rates otherwise tougher movement will be launched.
The Parishad leaders disclosed this ultimatum at a press conference arranged at Chittagong Press Club hall on Thursday .
The press meet was told that if the CCC declines the demand of the city dwellers, they will launch collection of mass signatures, human chain, hunger strike, Mass rallies and strike programs in phases. The press meet also told that recently CCC published a notification saying 17% holding tax on immoveable properties in the city, as such the tax officials of the corporation started reassessment of the holding taxes .
The speakers in press meet said, the govt circular of 1986 regarding holding tax assessment was also existed during the period of former mayors since then but these four Mayors did not impose additional taxes on city dwellers considering the grievances of the city dwellers. But the present Mayor is complying the tax act of 1986 which we mean illegal, unjustified and repression, the press meet told.
Former councilor Jannatul Ferdous Popi said in the press meet that if the CCC impose these tax on owners of the houses , the house lords will increase the house rent upon tenants obviously which ultimately create miseries of the tenants.
Another councilor MA Malek said in capital city , only 14% tax is being realized but imposition of 17% tax in Chittagong is unjustified. On behalf of the Chittagong Kardata Surakka Parishad (Tax Payees Protection Parishad) , convenor Hakim Mohammad Ullah, joint convenor Jahirul Hoque Sarwar Alam, Siddiqul Islam, Md. Mujibul Hoque, Hasan Maruf Rumi, Sirajul Islam, Kamaluddin, Nur Mohammad Khan were present in the press meeting.
