Stop repression on teachers, students: Zafrullah


Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury on Saturday urged the government to stop repressing and harassing students and teachers to avert a dire consequence in case of change in power.
“Stop attacks on teachers and students and filing cases against them. Only then you won’t have to see the scene of Kabul that Asif Nazrul feared. Otherwise, it will not be a surprise to see the repetition of a Kabul-like situation in the country,” he told a protest rally.
Sachetan Nagarik Samaj, (conscious citizens’ group), arranged
 the programme in front of the National Museum in the capital’s Shahbagh area protesting Bangladesh Chhatra League’s (BCL’s) threat to Dhaka University Prof Asif Nazrul and obstruction to democratic programmes like meetings and rallies.
The rally was also meant for mounting pressure on the government to release the students and youth leaders arrested during their demonstrations against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s last visit to Bangladesh on March 26.
Dr Zafrullah, a freedom fighter, strongly protested padlocking the office room of Dhaka University Law Department Professor Asif Nazrul centering a Facebook status.
He warned that the nation may face disaster since it cannot show respect to a university teacher like Asif Nazrul.
Zafrullah said the government promised not to file any case against the students who took part in the safe-road movement, but cases remained pending for three years.
Besides, he said 54 students arrested for protesting against the arrival of Narendra Modi have not yet been granted bail. “This case should be withdrawn immediately.”
Nagorik Oikya convener Mahmudur Rahman Manna said Chhatra League locked the room of Asif Nazrul though he did not mention the name of any person or party on his Facebook post. “They (BCL) are oppressors.”
He urged the Dhaka University proctor to lodge a complaint with Shahbagh Police Station against those padlocked Asif Nazrul’s office and bring them to justice.
Zonayed Saki, chief coordinator of Ganosaghati Andolon, said the current government is afraid of facing the similar future as the way people tried to escape at Kabul airport in Afghanistan.”They’ll meet the same fate after their fall. Otherwise, why do they feel so much heartburn with a Facebook status?
He said the government has enacted the Digital Security Act to suppress people and their voices. “This act must be annulled immediately.”
