Oikyafront to EC: Stop opening of textbook festival by PM

Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Oikyafront on Sunday demanded the Election Commission(EC) to take step to stop inauguration of ‘Textbook Festival’ by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on December 24.
A letter, signed by Oikyafront chief Dr Kamal Hossain, was handed over to the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) KM Nurul Huda by Oikyfront office coordinator Jahangir Alam Mintu.
Inauguration of free textbooks distribution programme by Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina at the cost of public money is also
violation of electoral code of conduct, said the letter.
Usually inauguration of book festival takes place on December 30, but this year the progamme will be held on December 24 due to 11th parliamentary election.
The letter also said that such programme can influence election process and can be used as a process of improving image of a person.
It is EC’s duty to ensure similar opportunities for all candidates for a free, fair and credible election. “But people of the country thinks that the EC has failed to perform that duty,” the letter said.
“Candidates of the ruling party and its alliance parties are regularly breaching the electoral code of conduct and the EC is indifferent to them,” said the letter adding “It also proves the helplessness of EC”.