Stop killing unarmed people of Syria


M.Mizanur Rahman :
Syria is torn apart by civil war due to hegemony of the dictatorial ruler Assad. Since he could not tolerate opposition in the hierarchy of his government the uprising became imminent what he wanted to put down by means of force. He started eliminating his opponents forcibly and the innocent unarmed people of that country irrespective of their ranks and files have been victimized. It can also be termed genocide in the truest sense of the terms. All over Syria arbitrary detention, killings, disappearances are the order of days. Even the people who fled the country were traced and killed by deadly mortars, missiles, rockets, using poisonous chemical gases. and by air attack with lethal weapons of war.
On the other hand the international political scenery appears to be so inhuman that the countries like Russia, China and Iran support Assad dynasty /regime in spite of its diabolical genocide.
It is yet to be known how long this one man’s rule should continue in the wake of democracy. The untold sufferings of humanity in Syria know no bound. The United Nations is all the way a failure institution to control this inhuman situation in Syria. This is really untenable. Why Tehran, being so much vocal of Islamic ethos, is supporting this inhuman dictatorial regime? Does Islam subdue to sectarian feuds that happen there and elsewhere around the world unabated? It is universal that Islamic code of conduct is humanly tolerance beyond which no Muslim should step on. It should come to everybody’s knowledge that justice and tolerance are key-points to be followed by each Muslim on earth without violence or terrorism. There’s no panacea in human soul in the acts of terrorism or violence. Hence Islam, being the faith of peace, never dictates any illogical inhuman act.
The very lack of Knowledge in Islamic theology, its justice, law and jurisprudence and its humanitarian ideals, the people, Muslim by name, have gone astray being the prey of violence or terrorism misusing the word ‘Zehad’ which should be used to soothe one’s soul towards virtuous perfection.
Hence democratic norms should return to Syria immediately rooting out the evil of ruthless dictatorship under Assad and as such leaders of the entire world community come forward united to restore democracy and rule of law in Syria to save the lives and properties of the Syrians. Some millions of people of Syria are suffering hard lives since the civil war has been broken out. Especially the elderly persons like old, decrepit, men, women and children suffer most.
Their inhuman pitiable wretched conditions require immediate attention of the world community to succor their sufferings.
These are all happened by the one person’s cruelest rule where democracy seized to exist. Likewise many other countries suffer mal-administration; absence of rule of law, human-rights and so on due to one person’s autocratic rule where human beings are subject to extra-judicial killings, unlawful arbitrary detention, abduction, gross intolerance to political opposition and undemocratic political dealings.

(M. Mizanur Rahman is a contributor to the New Nation)
