Joy to BNP-Jamaat: Stop killing if want to survive

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s son and her ICT Affairs Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy on Friday warned that BNP-Jamaat activists must stop ‘killing people through arson attacks’ if they want to survive.
“I warn you if you want to survive, stop burning people…(or else) you’ ll be hunted dead or alive,” he told a discussion, styled ‘Terror Vs Politics’, organised by Suchetona Foundation at a city hotel.
He noted that when anyone attempts to kill innocent people by hurling
petrol bombs, police have the responsibility to stop it. “I want to give a warning to the criminals among the BNP-Jamaat activists that the police will attack those who are killing people. The law enforcement agencies will take stern actions from now on.”
Joy compared the violence carried out during the blockade and hartals enforced by BNP-Jamaat and their 20-party alliance with that of the Islamic State (IS), the militant outfit that is running rampage over Syria and Iraq in recent times.
He also ruled out the possibility of any dialogue among political parties for a fresh parliamentary polls, saying ‘no dialogue will be held with those who burn people to death like the IS’. “The criminals will get encouraged if they are called for a dialogue.”
If Awami League comes to power through an election participated by BNP-Jamaat, the latter will not stop their violent programmes, he said adding that it will take six months or one year to stop it even after that.
Moderated by Suchetona Foundation convener Md A Arafat, the discussion was also addressed by former vice chancellor of Chittagong University Prof Abdul Mannan and noted journalist Abed Khan.