Stop earth filling that threatens farming community

NEWS report on Monday said that the farmers of 10 villages in Narayangonj district are facing destruction of their lands as several big real estate companies have started earth filling on the bank of Meghna River adjoining their low-lying wetland and cultivable land to make way for a resort city. It appears that they are relentlessly at work to dispossess the farmers of their ancestral land to create a new township; some are also claiming to set up an economic zone on the land. We must say such move is legally flawed and criminally resorted to by powerful people. It must stop and local people must be saved from the land grabbers.

Local farmers claim as media reports said they live on the three crops cultivable land along with fish farming in the locality. Now people will have no alternative to their livelihood because real-estate company are making move to take away their land by earth filling around and destroying the farming environment. It includes around 2350 bighas of arable land and 1500 bighas of IRRI Boro land under government irrigation scheme, besides water bodies for fishing.

Media report said that the Department of Environment (DoE) in October 2011 fined a company for Tk 50 lakh for causing colossal damage to agriculture, environment and marine ecology in the area on the bank of Meghna River and its floodplains. Besides, there is also a standing directive of High Court not to occupy more lands from the people of this area. But the perpetrators appear to be irresistible and when one company leaves on government action, another emerges fighting a common cause on their side to take possession of the valuable land at whatever cost.


We know that the government has already a policy prohibiting indiscriminate destruction of forest and farmlands for industrialization. What is at stake is that the occupation of the farmland and eventually driving them out of their homes will make the farmers totally uprooted from their possessions. Where will these people go, because nobody will take responsibility of their rehabilitation?

Many wonder how Unique Hotel and Resorts can establish an economic zone and what permission they have to set up the economic zone evicting people from their farmland. It is true that the government is pushing the plan for setting up new economic zones but why are the private companies are using the shield of the government plan to occupy farmland.

We must say the local administration must take immediate steps to stop earth filling in the areas which will destroy environment, cause damage to agriculture and force the local people to sell their land and eventually vacate homestead. We can’t let the rich and powerful to play foul with the existence of the poor living on their family land.
