Stocks witness upward trend on large-cap vibe

Economic Reporter :
Stocks on Monday witnessed upward trends as major indices of both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges rose up on higher activities of some large-cap securities.
The broader DSEX of DSE closed the day with 26.81 points up at 5,160.75. The blue-chip DS30 and the Shariah DSES also followed the same trend with 4.75 points up at 1,844.30 and with 10.04 points up at 1,186.53.
At DSE, out of the day’s 353 securities, prices of 242 securities closed higher against 93 losing issues.
The day’s trade value at DSE increased to Taka 437.77 crore from Sunday’s Taka 406 crore. But, the daily trade fell to 14.46 crore share from 15.47 crore share of the previous session.
The major gaining issues were DSHGARME, Monno Ceramics, SEMLFBSLGF, Sonar Bangladesh Insurance and Intech. The major losing issues were VAMLRBBF, Emerald Oil, VAMLBDMF1, NCCBLMF1 and EBL1STMF.
Fortune topped the turnover list followed by UPGDCL, BSC, Square Pharma and Monno Ceramics. The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed the day of the week with upward trends with its major CASPI 78.18 points up at 15,794.96. At CSE, 276 issues were traded. Of those, 179 closed higher and 75 closed lower.