Stocks witness flat as major sectors plunge


Stock markets witnessed flat on Tuesday due to lower activities of some large-cap securities.
The falling major sectors were insurance, textile and financial institutions. A total of 126 securities of the large-cap group moved down due to lower activities.
The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the day with 15.47 points up at 5,399.88. The blue-chip DS30 and the Shariah DSES also followed the same trend with 3.25 points up at 1,903.17 and with 6 points up at 1,254.19 respectively.
The day’s trade value at DSE declined to Taka 492.53 crore from Monday’s Taka 493.94 crore. But the daily trade increased to 11.85 crore shares from 11.63 crore shares of the previous session.
At the DSE, out of the day’s 338 securities, prices of 137 securities closed higher against 152 losing issues. The major gaining issues were Legacy Foot, Advent, Intech, Meghna Cement and VFSTDL. The major losing issues were Reliance Insurance, Simtex, Peoples Insurance, First Finance and SEBL1STMF.
