Stocks slightly up with recovery on large cap securities


Economic Reporter :
Stocks were slightly up today with a trend of recovery as the major indices were found finishing upward with marginal rises of some large-cap securities.
Among the rising major sectors were cement, engineering, financial institution and textile. Pharmaceutical and chemical, food and allied and tannery industries declined at the day’s closing session.
The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the day with 4.69 points up at 4596.86. The Shariah DSES also followed it by 2.54 points up at 1102.59. On the other hand, the blue-chip DS30 fell by 2.41 points at 1731.02. The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed the second day of the week with upward trend with its major CASPI 3.67 points up at 14,150.08.
The daily turnover in volume was at DSE to 11.67 crore shares when the daily trade value was Taka 376.96 crore. At DSE, out of the day’s 324 traded issues, prices of 121 securities closed higher against 151 losing issues. At CSE, issues traded 237 while 95 closed higher against 109 closed lower.
The major gaining issues were Confident Cement, BBS, Meghna Cement, Delta Spinning and Phoenix Finance. The major losing companies were Dhaka Dying, JMI Syringe, Zeal Bangla Sugar, Tallu Spinning and Fortune Shoes.
