Stocks rally on higher participation


Economic Reporter :
Stocks showed strong rally on Tuesday as some investors renewed their buying commitment and were highly active around financial and consumers securities.
The robust trend pushed the daily transaction significantly up and also drove prices of majority of the issues traded high. The daily trade value at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) jumped by 44.49 percent to Taka 394.11 crore and the volume increased by 23.60 percent to 12.80 crore shares.
The higher trade steered the price indices at the country’s twin stock exchanges up. The broader DSEX index of DSE finished the day 39.53 points up at 4544.70 when the blue-chip DS30 advanced by 15.32 points to 1772.14 and the Shariah DSES rose by 9.59 points to 1116.10.
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also registered big gain on Tuesday, with its CASPI advancing by 86.40 points to finish the day up at 13916.00.
At DSE, 203 closed up against 71 losing issues when at CSE 142 issues were up, with 72 closing down. Some 96 lakh shares changed hands on CSE on the day for Taka 22 crore.
Among the major gaining sectors were bank, cement, fuel and power and mutual funds. The top five gaining securities included Exim1stMF, ACI Formulation, Agrani Insurance, Rangpur Foundry and National Life.
None of the major sectors ended in red today while the major losing issues were SEMLLECMF, Reliance Insurance, VAMLBDMF1, Beatch Hatchary and Tosrifa.
The market leaders were ACI Formula, Acme Lab, Islami Bank, Squire Pharma and Aman Feed.
