Stocks perform mixed on higher transactions

BSS, Dhaka :
Stocks performed mixed on Monday with major indices finishing flat despite increasing the daily transactions, which rose at the market that prevented price indices from sharp decline.
The trade value at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) increased to Taka 550.52 crore from Sunday’s Taka 516.42 crore and the trade volume was up to 11.73 crore from 11.08 crore shares of the last session.
The broader DSEX index of DSE closed the day with 0.96 point up at 5,369.91. The Shariah DSES closed the day with 1.12 points up at 1,240.19 but the blue-chip DS30 closed the day with 1.37 point down at 1,888.33.
At DSE, out of the day’s 337 securities, prices of 183 securities closed higher against 117 losing issues.
The major gaining issues were CVOPRL, Asia Pacific Insurance, Prime Tex, Generation Next and KARNAPHULI while the major losing issues were Republic, Pioneer Insurance, MLDYEING, National Life Insurance and Phoenix Insurance.