Stocks open week down as major sectors dip

Economic Reporter :
Stocks open week down as major sectors closing the session with falling trend at both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock exchanges on Sunday.
The falling major sectors were insurance, engineering and cement when 160 securities of the large-cap group incurred loss due to lower activities.
The broader index DSEX of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) finished the first session of the week with 13.03 points down at 5802.04.
The Shariah DSES and the blue-chip DS30 also followed it with 6.84 points down at 1310.80 and with 2.29 points down at 2126.81. The daily turnover in value at DSE was Taka 601.66 crore and the volume of shares was 17.64 crore. Among the traded 329 issues at DSE, 191 closed lower against 101 gaining issues.
The top five gaining companies were Dutch Bangla Bank, Paramount Textile, Miracle Ind, VAMLRBBF and HR Textile. The major losers were Pragati Life Insurance, Rupali Bank, Aziz Pipes, LAFSURCEML and Prime Insurance. City Bank topped the turnover list followed Lanka Bangla Finance, IDLC, One Bank and LAFSURCEML.