Stocks maintain positive trend

Economic Reporter :
Like the previous day, stocks on Wednesday witnessed positive trends in Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges due mainly to higher activities of large-cap securities with higher transactions.
The rising major sectors were insurance and pharmaceuticals and chemicals. A total of 164 securities of large-cap group moved up due to higher activities.
The key index of the country’s prime bourse, DSEX, closed the session of the week with 8.69 points down at 5,133.14. The Shariah DSES and the blue-chip DS30 also followed the same trend with 1.59 points down at 1,176.89 and with 0.54 point down at 1,830.03.
At the DSE, out of the day’s 352 securities, prices of 196 securities closed higher against 118 losing issues while 38 remained unchanged.
The volume of shares rose to 12.66 crore from Tuesday’s 9.63 crore shares and the daily turnover in value at DSE increased to Taka 309.60 crore from Tuesday’s Taka 271.76 crore.
The top five gainers were Eastern Insurance, Sonar Bangla Insurance, VAMLRBBF, SEMLIBBLSF and SILCOPHL. The top five losers were BIFC, First Finance, United Air, Fareast Finance and SEAPERL.
Fortune topped the turnover list followed by UPGDCL, SILCOPHL, GP and Global Insurance.
In the port city, CSE also closed higher with its major CASPI 28.13 points up at 15,730.54. A total of 273 issues were traded at the CSE. Of those, 151 closed higher and 98 closed lower while 24 remained unchanged.