Stocks extend loss as major sectors dip

Economic Reporter :
Stock markets plunged further on Wednesday due mainly to price fall in large-cap securities despite higher transactions.
The falling major sectors were engineering and textile. A total of 184 securities of the large-cap group moved down due to lower activities.
The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the day with 24.95 points down at 6,079.32. The Shariah DSES and the blue-chip DS30 also followed the same trend with 5.19 points down at 1,350.27 and with 4.68 points down at 2,178.05.
The daily trade at DSE increased to 24.63 crore shares from Tuesday’s 22.71 crore shares and the day’s trade value at DSE rose to Taka 775.34 crore from Taka 715.22 crore of the previous session.
The main reason behind the increased transactions was voluminous offloading of shares for profit realization, Azam Securities Limited Managing Director Ahmed Kabir Majumder told here on Wednesday.
“Market position is better than before. Investors concentrated on profit realization which took the transactions high and indices down,” he added.
At DSE, out of the day’s 330 securities, prices of 62 securities closed higher against 231 losing issues.
The major gaining issues were Dutch Bangla Bank, Global Insurance, Safko Spinning, Provati Insurance and Mercantile Insurance. The major losing companies were WMSHIPYARD, Modern Dying, Ifad Autos, Malek Spinning and Progressive Insurance.
Shahjalal Bank topped the turnover list followed by Jamuna Bank, Uttara Bank, Exim Bank and Dutch Bangla Bank.
The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed the day of the week with downward trend with
its major CASPI 79.24 points down at 18,859.21.
At CSE, 252 issues were traded. Of those, 58 closed higher and 172 closed lower when
1.53 crore shares worth Taka 65.41 crore changed hands.