Stocks end week up on higher transaction


BSS, Dhaka :
Stocks ended the week on Thursday upward with rising trend of all indices at Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges on higher transaction.
The broader DSEX of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the week nearly 84 points higher at 5,671.62 when the blue-chip DS30 and Shariah DSES ended marginally up at 2049.64 and 1312.17 respectively.
Out of the 334 issues traded on DSE, 147 gained against 152 losing issues.
The week’s trade value at DSE increased to Taka 1,185.36 crore from the last session of previous week Taka 830.44 crore and the weekly trade also rose to 34.70 crore shares from 21.61 crore of the previous week.
The top five gainers of the week were Premier Leasing, Islamic Finance, Continental Insurance, Central Pharmaceuticals and International Leashing.
The major losing issues of the week included BRAC Bank, Meghna Pet Industries, Prime Finance and Investment, CAPM BDBL Mutual Fund 01 and Republic Insurance.
The top five turnover leaders were Lanka Bangla Finance, Baraka Power, GPH Isphat, Islami Bank and Bangladesh Export Import Company.
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also closed the week up, with its major CASPI index ending 268.73 points higher at 17,570.68.
Like DSE, most of the issues traded here closed higher when both the trade value and volume of shares increased.
