Stocks close week down

Economic Reporter :
Stocks finished the week down on Thursday with falling trend of all major price indices at Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges due to lower demand.
The broader DSEX of the DSE finished the week with 127.60 points down at 4,810.22.The blue-chip DS30 and the Shariah DSES also followed the same trend with 50.70 points down at 1,704.54 and with 25.01 points down at 1,111.36 respectively.
Out of the 356 issues traded at the DSE today, 36 issues gained against 302 losing issues.
During the week, the daily average trade value decreased by 19.7 percent to Taka 314.49 crore and the average trade volume fell by 28.7 percent to 9.87 crore shares.
The top five gainers of the week were MLDYEING, MEGCONMILK, ATLASBANG, National Tubes and Prime Textile. The major losing issues of the week were Al Haj Textile, SEMLFBSBGF, CAPMBDBLMF, PF1STMF and KTL.