Stocks close week down


Stocks finished the week down on Thursday with falling trend of all major price indices at Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges due to lower demand.
The broader DSEX of the DSE finished the week with 52.66 points down at 5,600.56.The Shariah DSES also followed the same trend with 2.49 points down at 1,289.71. But the blue-chip DS30 closed the day with 0.09 point up at 2,005.58.
Out of the 352 issues traded at the DSE, 105 issues gained against 223 losing issues.
During the week, the daily average trade value decreased by 25.45 percent to Taka 430.04 crore and the average trade volume fell by 42.87 percent to 8.17 crore shares.
The top five gainers of the week were Eastern Lubricants, Renwick Jainwswar and Company, Fine Foods, Reckitt Benckiser (BD) and Rupali Life Insurance.
The major losing issues of the week were United Insurance, Monno Ceramic, Beach Hatchery, Sonar Bangla Insurance and Mercantile Insurance.
The top five turnover leaders were British American Tobacco, BRAC Bank, United Power Generation and Distribution Company, Dutch Bangla bank and Square Pharmaceutical.
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also closed the week down with its major CASPI index ending 242.33 points lower at 17, 108.89.
