Stock market sees mixed trend at week’s opening


BSS, Dhaka :
Trade volume and value rose on Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) today (Sunday), the opening day of the week, but major price indices finished lower with issues losing across the board.
The general DSEX index and the blue-chip DS30 index finished the day marginally lower at 4687.19 and 1685.32 respectively. The Shariah index DSES, however, inched up to 1019.62.
Despite the fall, DSEX was above both 9 and 18-day moving average line.
Share prices of 185 companies dropped considerably, but buyers were relatively active to book both advancing and lagging issues, taking the daily trade volume and value around 24 percent higher than Thursday’s closing transactions.
The daily trade volume and value were 8.4 crore shares and Taka 510.64 crore respectively against Thursday’s 6.82 crore shares worth Taka 412.92 crore.
Amidst the losing trend, 85 companies managed to finish high when some investors were buying shares of blue-chips including cement, pharmaceuticals, textile, telecom, engineering, banking and finance sectors.
Nearly 90 lakh shares of Lafarge Surma Cement changed hands on the day though it became 10 percent dearer at close. Similarly, over 17 lakh shares of Squire Textile and 12 lakh shares of Squire Pharmaceuticals were traded respectively at 6.8 percent and 3.29 percent higher than last week’s closing price.
The other gaining issues were from insurance, textile, jute, ternary and service sectors.
Many buyers also booked a huge number of shares of falling issues. Some 37 lakh shares of Southeast Bank, 24 lakh of UCBL, 12 lakh of United Airline and 12 lakh of Generation Next Fashion were traded at 2-3 percent lower than their previous closing.
The day’s top loser, however, was the IDLC with nearly 24 percent fall on its ex-dividend trading.
A fund manager company in its market analysis said dividend declaration of some commercial banks and financial institutions disappointed investors.
