Steroids being used for fattening cattle in Rajshahi region

BSS, Rajshahi :
A section of unscrupulous cattle farmers and traders are allegedly feeding and injecting their cattle Indian made steroid hormones to fatten up the sacrificial animals ahead of the holy Eid-ul-Azha in Rajshahi region.
These farmers and traders are feeding their cattle steroid hormones for fattening the animals in disregard of the hazards posing a serious threat to the public health.
Local livestock officials said that a number of greedy cattle farmers are allegedly using human drugs like Periactin Vita, Oradexon and Decason tablets belonging to dexa-methasone group, a kind of steroid, for rapid fattening of the sacrificial animals in short days before the Eid as they are out to earn windfall profit from cattle business during this time.
As a result, these cattle are being infected with various diseases. If people consume the meat of the affected cattle, they will also be infected with various diseases, the experts warned.
Dr Mahbubur Rahman Khan, Associate Professor of Medicine Department of Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital, said the steroid can cause diabetes, high blood pressure, skin rashes and headaches and is highly addictive.
It also weakens the immune system and leaves patients more susceptible to illnesses. There have been reports of young sex workers dying from over-use of the drug.
The banned steroid tablets are now being sold openly at the drug stores and grocery shops in Chapainawabgonj, Rajshahi, Naogaon, Natore, Pabna and Sirajgonj. Shopkeepers term these tablets as ‘red-white’ pills.
The cattle owners said they fed their animals such tablets after hearing from people. Though the cattle became somewhat weak initially, they became fat subsequently. After one to two months, those cattle were sold. They said they follow the method as it is cheaper and easier.
Dr Mijanur Rahman, the district livestock officer, said the cattle’s kidneys and liver don’t function properly if these drugs are fed them. As a result, water cannot pass from their bodies. Subsequently, water enters the meat of the cattle and the animals look fat.
Under the fattening method, a number of 20-25 tablets are fed to cattle and it creates unusual pressure on the kidney and different organs-the drug slowly affect the normal circulation of urine of the animal, he said, adding that within few days the cattle looks fat when the urine comes to its whole body.
About scientific cattle fattening method, livestock official said the cattle is to feed right proportion of urea, molasses and straw (UMS) daily for about three months.
On the other hand, the rapid method of cattle fattening even may cause death of the animal within 20-25 days after giving the drug, Dr Mijan said.
It increases their appetite, making them gain weight rapidly and giving the appearance that these poorly nourished cattle are in fact healthy and older – attracting buyers.
Dr Sarder Jalal Uddin, a professor of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department of Rajshahi University, said: “The high dose of such harmful drugs also affects several internal organs of the animal and ultimately the animal fails to response the normal treatment”.
“A lack of awareness, easy availability and malpractices of quacks are some of the prime causes of why these drugs are being abused,” he added.
“There have been attempts to raise awareness on the negative impact of the use of such medicine but the seasonal cattle farmers are a long way from withdrawing such practices,” said Dr Jalal.
“We have an uphill battle, yet it can be won. There needs to be greater regulation in the sale of such drugs. Government and the state must play an active role,” he added.
