Stern action against those spreading rumour: IGP


Issuing a note of warning against those spreading rumours centering the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Mohammad Javed Patwary on Sunday urged the people not to pay heed to any propaganda.
“A vested quarter is trying to mislead people with false information centering the fatal disease in different social media . . . Stern actions will be taken against those trying to spread rumours on this,” he told newsmen at a function at the Police Headquarters here on Sunday noon.
Chinese Overseas Association in Bangladesh (COAIB) donated some goods and personal protective equipments (PPEs) to Bangladesh Police in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.
COAIB President Zhuang Lifeng formally handed over the goods and equipments to the police chief. Those include: one lakh pieces of disposable face mask (surgical mask), 5000 PPEs, 5000 testing kits, 100 litres (20 bottles) Isopropyl alcohol and 50 liters (50 bottles) hand sanitizer.
On the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent government directives, Patwary requested the people to abide by the directives and medical guidelines in this regard so that all can stay safe.
“Please stay safe at home . . . Follow the heath rules to keep yourself safe from the disease,” the police chief said.
Different units of the law enforcement agency are working against rumour spreading and in the meantime some people were indentified and nabbed as well, he said, adding none involved in spreading falsehood in social media will be spared.
Referring to the positive role of mass media in different tough times, including the drives against militancy and terrorism, Dr Patwary sought all-out cooperation from the media people in this ‘crucial time’.
The IGP asked the police members to be more humane in discharging their respective professional duties.
Referring to recent police action on some people for ensuring the “Stay at Home” to prevent the coronavirus outbreak, he said the police department in the meantime has taken necessary action with regard to this by issuing new guidelines.
Dr Javed police are conducting awareness campaigns against the disease through different means, including distribution of leaflets and brandishing of banners and festoons.
