Stern action against harassment in issuing birth certificates: Minister


Staff Reporter :
Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operative (LGRD) Minister Md Tajul Islam on Sunday said that action would be taken if applicants are harassed while trying to collect birth registration certificates.
“There are many flaws in the way people get birth registration certificate after the automation of the system and we have identified those,” he said it in a view-exchange meeting to speed up online birth and death registration activities.
No one will be exempted if any kind of harassment is proved, warned the minister.
“We see birth registration as a very burning issue in these days. Even then, if there is a complaint against someone, action will be taken.”
Regarding the server issue, he said, “We have re-rationalised the server. That’s why the server was shut down for some time and launched again.”
“The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has helped us financially. They are taking care of the server so that it can be handled properly,” said Tajul.
He said birth registration is the basic foundation of a human being. “In order to fulfill the commitment of good governance and build an ideal society, birth registration has to be administered very seriously.”
“All the requirements along with the birth registration will be added when everyone will get what they need,” he added.
He said there are still many mistakes in birth registration. He urged the authority concerned to solve it.
In this case, the lower entity is the Union Parishad. There are 25,000 people in a union and cannot reach these places. In that case the chairmen have to be active by holding monthly meetings, said Tajul.
In that meeting every citizen should be informed about who was born and who died. A time limit of 12 to 24 hours may be fixed for the notification, suggested the minister.
