Steps underway to reopen educational institutions: Hasina


UNB, Dhaka :

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday said the government is taking measures to reopen educational institutions across the country soon.
“We’ve been able to control the coronavirus to a large extent. There’s no more problem regarding vaccines…I’ve already directed (the authorities concerned) to reopen schools and colleges soon,” she said.
The Prime Minister said this when she joined a discussion over a condolence motion placed in Parliament to condole the death of Awami League’s MP Hasibur Rahman Swapan (Sirajganj-6).
Hasina said teachers have already been vaccinated and now steps are underway to vaccinate other staff of the educational institutions.  
“Since there’re some WHO guidelines for school students, we’re taking measures to vaccinate the students following the guidelines,” she said.
So, Hasina said, the government is collecting some Pfizer vaccines and trying to procure Moderna vaccines, too. “Other vaccines are also coming. We’ve already paid for six core vaccine jabs,” the Prime Minister told the House.
