Steps to shift Rohingyas to Hatiya temporary

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh’s decision to gradually relocate the documented and undocumented Rohingyas to Noakhali’s Hatiya Island will be a ‘temporary arrangement’, considering the ‘humanitarian ground’.
This is a very temporary arrangement that we need to make. We want Myanmar to take back their nationals at the earliest possible time, said State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam on Wednesday.
He said the local government will implement the plan and Bangladesh will welcome if any foreign friends come forward to help after necessary discussions.
Shahriar Alam said, though the registered refugee camps at Kutupalang in Ukhia upazila of Cox’s Bazar district has the capacity for 30,000, over 3 lakh people are living there casting a negative impact on the overall environment and society.
Considering the situations on the ground, the government took the decision (shifting camps to Hatiya) in principle, said the State Minister adding that the land will be made livable through necessary scrutiny.
Responding to a question, Alam said the plan of shifting camps will not be implemented overnight. It’s now at the very early stage. It takes long time to establish housing facilities in a new place.
He said the government is also discussing some ideas to provide supports to Rohingyas and manage their livelihoods through livestock farming, mild production and agriculture at the planned new camps after making the place livable with required physical structures.
Responding to another question, Shahriar Alam said no nation in the world stood against Bangladesh’s position on Rohingya issue. Everybody says there is only one solution – Myanmar will have to take back Rohingya people accepting them as its nationals.
He said, this is a success of Bangladesh’s foreign diplomacy and the government is seeing its reflection everywhere on the cause.
A delegation of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State on Tuesday said providing citizenship to and ensuring the dignity of Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine State is the key to have a better situation there.