Steps taken to prevent ‘Lumpy Skin Disease’


The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has directed the Department of Livestock Services to take urgent measures to prevent the spread of the ‘Lumpy Skin Disease’ (LSD) in cattle.
The ministry also asked the department to take necessary measures for the treatment of cattle affected by this disease, said a press release.
The ministry issued a letter in this regard on Wednesday and sent it to the Livestock Department, it added.
In the letter, the department was directed to form a ‘Veterinary Medical Team’ consisting of a deputy assistant livestock officer or veterinary field assistant or field assistant under the leadership of an upazila livestock officer or a veterinary surgeon or a livestock extension officer in each union of the disease-hit area.
The ministry also instructed the medical team to inspect every LSD affected cattle in person and ensure fair treatment.
Besides, the division and district level livestock officers have been given the responsibility to monitor the medical work round the clock.
If necessary, livestock officers or employees from the adjoining districts or upazilas of the affected districts could be included in the medical team.
