Wastes of sacrificial animals: Stench spreading in many city areas

Reza Mahmud :
Despite the repeated appeals and possible cleanliness steps taken by the city corporations, residents of capital Dhaka’s many areas have been submerged in an unbearable stench of remains of sacrificial animals on Thursday, two day after the Eid-ul-Azha.
As the wastes of sacrificial animals have still remained beside the streets and roads, these are spreading bad smell all around round the clock.
Apart from the roads and streets, wastes of slaughtered sacrificial animals have also still remained at different lanes and by-lanes in the city, were spreading with bad smell.
While visiting a number of areas, it is found that pedestrians were walking along different points by putting hands or cloth on their nose to avoid bad smell of animals’ waste.
The both Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Sayeed Khokon and Dhaka North City (DNCC) Corporation Mayor Annisul Huq on Thursday claimed that sacrificial animals’ wastes have been completely removed from much earlier than the targetted 48 hours.
However, some wastes remained in their areas spreading bad smell. The DSCC and DNCC used bleaching powder on animals’ wastes and blood alongside pouring adequate water to keep the city free from foul smell.
Residents of Jatrabari, Saidabad, Basabo, Sabujbagh, Gandaria, Wari, Gopibagh and Tikatuli
areas of DSCC and Mohammadpur, Dhanmondi, Moghbazar, Mohakhali and Uttara areas of DNCC complained about wastes still not being removed.
Rafiqul Islam, a resident of Jatrabari area, said there were wastes of sacrificial animals on all small roads in the area till Thursday.
 “It is really impossible to tolerate the bad smell around the clock,” he said.
Sources said 240,000 sacrificial animals were slaughtered in DSCC areas while 197,535 animals in the areas of DNCC during the Eid. It caused around 26000 tonnes of wastes.
The officials of DSCC and DNCC said rains on Eid day washed away the bloods of the animals sacrificed. But the wastes of the sacrificial animals have not been washed away yet.
DSCC Mayor Sayeed Khokon said, “We have managed to remove 100 percent wastes from the Dhaka South City Corporation areas.”
He said over 19,000 tonnes of wastes have been removed from the DSCC area.
DNCC Mayor Annisul Huq has claimed that the city has been more cleaned than last years Eid-ul-Azha.
 “We have made more clean the city comparatively last years Eid festival. We have removed wastes within short times,” he said while addressing a post Eid press briefing in DNCC conference hall.
Annisul Huq also said over 7,801 tonnes of wastes were removed till Thursday.