Statement on Canadian court’s observation in my name fake: Fakhrul

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday said a fake statement on the Canadian Federal Court’s observation about BNP was posted on Facebook in his name forging his signature.
In a statement, he said, “Someone posted a fake, fabricated and baseless statement on the social media Facebook about Canadian court’s verdict in my name forging my signature. A vested quarter has resorted to such fraudulence to tarnish my image,” he said.
The BNP leader further said, “The comments given in my name in the statement are totally untrue and false.”
He urged the authorities concerned to track down those who posted the false statement in his name and take legal action against them.
The Canadian Federal Court on January 25 denied asylum to a BNP activist, Mohammad Jewel Hossain Gazi, there, saying the party had involvement in violence and terrorism during the anti-government movement.
The court observed that there are reasonable grounds to believe that BNP was, is or will be engaged in terrorism.
Different media here ran reports on Wednesday about the matter after a Canadian online news portal posted a news item on it.
Meanwhile, BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi strongly condemned and protested the incident of posting the fake statement in Fakhrul’s name.
Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he said the fake statement was made using BNP’s pad and forging its secretary general’s signature. “It’s mentioned in the fake statement that Canadian court is showing Baksali attitude.”
He alleged that the government and its different agencies may resort to such deception to confuse people.