Assault by cricketer: Statement of house maid recorded

Court Correspondent :
The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court yesterday recorded a statement of a ten-year-old maid, who used to work in the residence of cricketer Shahadat Hossain.
Magistrate Snigdha Rani Chakraborty recorded the statement on Monday afternoon Under Section 22 of the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act.
After recording the statement, 10-year old girl Happy was sent back to the One-Stop Crisis Centre (OCC) of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, where she has been having medical treatment.
On September 7, a case was filed against Shahadat Hossain and his wife for torturing their domestic help Happy.
Happy, a daughter of Arab Ali, hails from Jamalpur district. She was rescued from Pallabi area in the capital on September 6 with injuries in her body. After being tortured, she managed to escape out of Shahadat’s house in the morning and got a shelter at night.