State of Britain’s economy before general election

AFP, London :
Ahead of Britain’s general election that Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes will force through Brexit, Britain’s economy is a mixed picture of weak growth and high employment.
Official data this week showed the UK economy dodged falling into recession during the third quarter, heading toward the December 12 polls and amid a wider global economic slowdown.
While Johnson’s Conservative Party is promising investment and tax cuts should they win re-election, the main opposition Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn insist taxes for the highest paid must be increased to fund a massive programme of state spending and help bridge inequality in Britain.
UK gross domestic product rebounded by 0.3 percent in the July-September period as growth in services offset a weak manufacturing sector, with Brexit uncertainty causing companies to delay investment projects but hold onto staff.
GDP had meanwhile suffered a 0.2-percent contraction in the second quarter, while the technical definition of a recession is two straight quarters of negative growth.