Startup Market campaign for young entrepreneurs at DIU

Young entrepreneurs are at Daffodil -Startup Market held recently at Daffodil International University premises.
Young entrepreneurs are at Daffodil -Startup Market held recently at Daffodil International University premises.

Campus Report :
Unemployment problem is growing up day by day across the world. No doubt, it will be the major crisis around the world in near future. According to international Labor Organization (ILO), more than 200 million people are unemployed worldwide where 10 millions are youth. Some experts have predicted that entrepreneurship will be the best solution to unemployment.
As a young graduate or as a young dreamer it’s not easy to be an entrepreneur. You have to face a lot of challenges and many obstacles. Starting problem is the one of the major barriers to create young entrepreneurship across the world because it seems difficult until start. To solve the starting difficulty of young entrepreneurs Daffodil -Startup Market is held on every Thursday at Daffodil International University (DIU) premises.
The first Daffodil Startup Market was inaugurated by Shyam Sundor Sikdar, Secretary, Ministry of ICT, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Prof Dr Golam Rahman, Pro-VC, Daffodil International University on September 25, 2014. 30 entreprenuers with 22 shops were participated at the event. The market will be continued every Thursday in a single week.
The idea of Daffodil Startup Market is very simple. It is similar to Bangladeshi traditional Haat. If you are a student, if you have innovative products or services, the market welcomes you to create your own shop. You have to pay very small for the space to meet up the market utilities. The market owner will not take any profit or dividend .The profit will stay with the market for further expansion.
 It’s a platform for young entrepreneurs to run their small business, to learn from experience. For example, if you have new products or services you can test the market values as well as you can compare your product from over here. The market will offer several training for entrepreneurs.
For example, if you have wonderful portraits. You have to accrue a shop to run your portrait business but you don’t have any professional training. Nothing to be worried the Market offers you training, workshop, mentorship to explore your creativity. In addition an entrepreneur can get real life experience how to convince customer, how to sell, how to buy, what are the limitations.
The market is ready to build your own business platform. If you have wonderful business idea but you don’t have the scope to make the dream true. Don’t let the dream drop. Search your potential partners through the market. Suppose, you can make wonderful handicrafts and you are searching for designer or seller. You can get your expected one from the market.
The interuniversity and the intra-university Startup Market will bring millions of scope to create your own business collaboration, cooperation and information as well.
The online startup Market will create international market for its entrepreneurs.
As the job market is shrinking day by day, it’s not good time to be a graduate looking for job. For the raising graduate unemployment, job market is growing more competitive than before. A hidden job is waiting for all class of graduate. The jobs you make yourself. The Startup market is a unique platform for young student to startup his/her own small business.
