Stand together to denounce violence against women, girls: Diplomats

UNB, Dhaka :
Diplomats stationed in Dhaka on Saturday asked all to stand together to denounce violence against women and girls in every form in Bangladesh and across the world.
“We ask you to stand together and commit to making schools, homes, and workplaces harassment-free spaces. We ask you to stand together to report violence. We ask you to stand together and tell all the women and girls in your lives that you will not tolerate gender-based violence,” they said in a joint oped asking all to join with them and stand together as Ambassadors for Change!
They stand together to say over 600 reported cases of rape in Bangladesh-in 2017 alone- 600 is too many.
The oped is jointly written by Marcia Bernicat, US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Leoni Cuelenaere, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Alison Blake, British High Commissioner, Panpimon Suwannapone, Ambassador of Royal Thai Embassy, Julia Niblett, Australian High Commissioner, Mikael Hemniti Winther, Ambassador of, Sidsel Bleken, Ambassador of Norway, Holenstein, Ambassador of Switzerland, Charlotta Schlyter, Ambassador of Sweden, Rensje Teerink, EU Ambassador, Mia Seppo, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh, Iori Kato, Representative a.i., United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Bangladesh, Shoko Ishikawa, Country Representative, UN Women Bangladesh, Janina Jaruzelski, Mission Director, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Christa Räder, World Food Programme Representative in Bangladesh.
They said they stand together in solidarity with the survivors of gender-based violence; stand with the women, girls and allies who have bravely spoken out against harassment, rape, and domestic violence.
“And we stand with the voiceless, the shamed, and all those who are forced to live in silence,” the oped reads.
The diplomats called on everyone in Bangladesh and around the world to stand together against gender-based violence.
“We stand together with Bangladesh. Bangladesh has some of the highest rates of gender-based violence, but this is an issue that pervades our own countries and communities around the world.”
They called on law enforcement and the judicial system, at every level, to make the justice system more responsive and more supportive of survivors.
The diplomats said they stand together with their third gender friends who are neglected by their families, and face homelessness, discrimination, and violence. “Know you are appreciated, respected, and loved.”
“Because gender-based violence is intolerable, we ask everyone to stand with us during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence,” they said.
This campaign is observed each year during the 16 days from November 25 to December 10, to acknowledge that girls and women are abused every day of the year.
During these 16 days, it is important to remember that every person can be an activist against gender-based violence, an Ambassador for Change.
“All fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands; all teachers and mentors; all religious leaders; all police, soldiers, judges, and politicians; all activists and allies: stand together against gender-based violence,” the diplomats wrote.