Banglabazar foot overpass: Stalls block entrances

Hasan Mahmud Rubel :
A powerful quarter has reportedly established stalls illegally on the entrance of the foot overpass and its adjacent footpath at Banglabazar troubling pedestrians’ movement. As a result, wayfarers are compelled to cross the road with heavy risk.
With a tone of grievance, Bina Khatun, a guardian of a school girl, said, “We are unable to use the over bridge, as stalls have been established blocking its all entrance paths and making it a garbage place”.
According to DSCC sources, there are Jagannath University, Dhaka Collegiate School,
Heed International School and many other government and private institutions around the overpass. The important bridge was established in 1997 for the betterment of the pedestrians, but some locally powerful men built stalls blocking its ways and adjacent footpath.
Counsellor Abdur Rahman (Ward No. 37 of DSCC) said that a proposal to reform the foot over-bridge had been submitted to the authority of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC). The city corporation is likely to start eviction drive soon to remove the unlawful makeshift stalls from the footpath between Gulistan and Sadarghat area.
During a recent visit, it was found that the four entrance paths of the overpass have been grabbed by various stalls. Book stalls have blocked its south-east and north-east entrance way, whereas tea stalls block its south-west and north-west entrance path. The trashes of the stalls are thrown roughly on the bridge. Drug-addicts and vagabonds are found sitting and lying on the overpass threatening the passer-bys’ security. Besides, there is a container of the household and industrial garbage under the overpass. A leguna stand has also been established illegally in its south part which hampers traffic a lot.
Md. Younus Ali, a tea stall owner, said, “As the people do not use the bridge usually, we have established stalls here. If the authority wants to evict the stalls, we must leave”.
An official of DSCC, on condition of anonymity, said that eviction drive might be started soon.