SSF to be modernised: PM on 28th founding day

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday directed the members of the Special Security Force (SSF) to discharge
their duties with utmost discipline, loyalty and professionalism and also remain alert she is not isolated from common people in the name of ensuring her security.
“I do politics only for people as I’ve reached my present position standing beside people… be attentive (SSF members) so that I don’t get isolated from common people. If I become isolated, there won’t be an existence of me as my politics is only for people,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a function marking the 28th founding anniversary of Special Security Force (SSF) at her office yesterday. Director General of the SSF Maj Gen Sheikh Md Aman Hasan delivered the welcome address. Later, he presented a painting to the Prime Minister.
PM’s Security Adviser Maj Gen (retd) Tarique Ahmed Siddique, Ambassador at-Large M Ziauddin, PM’s Media Adviser Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, Chiefs of the three services, Principal Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikder, PMO Secretary Md Abul Kalam Azad, PM’s Press Secretary AKM Shameem Chowdhury, IGP, and other high military and PMO officials were present.
The Prime Minister said that she would take all necessary steps to turn the SSF as a modern skilled force.
Hasina said, that after the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975 with most of his family members, the country’s people showered her with love on her return to the country from exile. “Their love has given me motivation.
So, you (SSF members) must ensure that I can stand beside them.” Mentioning that the pattern and strategy of militant and terrorist activities are changing and increasing worldwide with the flourishing of technology, she said technology is being used for public welfare. On the other hand, it is also being used against people’s welfare.
“We’ll have to make security arrangements time-befitting facing the challenges so we could move ahead in the global arena.”
She said that the level of security measures has increased across the world and her government also ensured various facilities including digital technology for the SSF to modernize the force as well as enhancing their capability.
The Prime Minister said: “I never bowed to anyone except the almighty Allah and it is in my character to accept any injustice for the greed of power.”
About the war crimes trial, she said that despite various pressures from abroad, the tough task of the war crimes trial is going on.
Reiterating her firm resolve to turn Bangladesh as a dignified nation and not to rely on begging, Hasina said: “Bangladesh is moving ahead and will continue to move forward. I’ve this confidence.”
Mentioning that she hears many words of praise from foreign dignitaries when she goes abroad about the performance of the SSF, she said the female members of the Special Force are also discharging their duties successfully.
Suggested the SSF members to discharge their respective duties in the light of the experiences they gained through training and practice, she said: “In that case, your mental strength will increase while there won’t be any negligence of duty.”
The Prime Minister said that she never considered what she got from being in power. “My only thought is to build a Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty… my only desire is to give the people Bangladesh a better life.”
Mentioning that Bangladesh is now a role model of development, she said that she had been working tirelessly day and night, being aware of her responsibility towards the country’s people.
Hasina also highlighted the various steps of her government towards modernizing the SSF.