SSC exams from Feb 1


Staff Reporter :The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations of 2016 will begin on February 1. The Education Ministry announced the schedule on Sunday.For the first time, students will have to answer the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) part first and after 15 minutes they will answer the written part. The officials of the ministry said that there are many allegations that the teachers of the respective schools or their colleagues help the students to give answer of the MCQ part. It will be reduced if the MCQ answer is taken first, they said. The examinations will be held following the morning and the afternoon shift. The examination will be started at 10am and ended at 1pm in the morning shift and 2-5pm in the afternoon shift. The routine of the SSC examination is available on the ministry’s website The Madrasha Education Board is yet to complete the routine of the Dakhil examination. It will be available on the ministry’s website, the ministry sources said.
