SSC examinees, guardians worried over pol unrest

M M Jasim :
The examinees of Secondary School Certificate examination feel nervous at the prevailing political situation in the country.
The guardians of the examinees are worried about their sons and daughters’ future.
The examinees and the guardians’ tensions got intensified after Begum Khaleda Zia was sent to jail.
The examinees said the embarrassing environment created panic situation hampering preparation for examination.
The scarcity of transports intensified their suffering on the way to examination centres and home.
Sushmita Biswas, a SSC examinee from Badda area, told The New Nation that she could not take
preparation perfectly for the Thursday’s examination as it was Khaleda Zia’s verdict.
“Some of our teachers told us that the examination might be cancelled if the situations worsened. My parents also failed to provide me any specific decision. Such uncertainty hampers my preparation,” Sushmita said.
Rana Mahmud, another SSC examinee in Bhola district, said, “My examination halls is eight kilometres from my home. The police stopped my CNG for five times. As a result, I was late for 20 minutes to reach in the examination centres. It made me nervous and I could not write perfectly in the answer sheet.” Khaled Rahman, a guardian, told this correspondent that unrest political situation jammed his brain. “My son did not see such situation before. Now he is not easy. He can not concentrate in study,” Khaled said.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid also called upon the political parties not to initiate or enforce any such programme during exam time.
“We had a past experience. We took examination in the weekends in 2014 and 2015,” he said.
A special court sentenced BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia five years’ imprisonment in a graft case, dealing a severe blow to the party ahead of the upcoming national elections.
After the verdict, the BNP men across the county tried to take the street to protest the verdict. But the law enforcers barred their protest. The BNP also announced two-day programme in protest the verdict. The people suspect that it may announce further tough programme.
Such fear also hits the brains of the SSC examinees and they are now worried. A total of 20,31,899 students from 28,551 educational institutions are appearing in this year’s SSC and equivalent examinations from 3,412 centres across the country.
Written tests will be held till February 25, while the practical exams are scheduled from February 26 to March 4.